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  3. Trees

Recommend Fast Growing Trees

We are building a house on property that has no trees. Can you recommend some fast growing trees that will shade the house? There are important questions to consider before you start selecting trees. First, consider why there are no trees on the property. It may be...

Can I be Firewise and keep my trees?

How can I be Firewise and keep my trees? Preparing your property for fire does not mean removing all your trees. There are many things you can do to make your home resistant from embers or fires that may involve simply removing overhanging branches or limbing trees up...

Is Lava Rock A Good Mulch For Crape Myrtle?

The problem with using a product like lava rock, as mulch is it is difficult to work around. Rarely can any plant be left alone and not eventually require attention and when this happens if you have to deal with lava rock, you may regret using that material. It also...