Town of Annetta

At the Town of Annetta, landscaping for the new city hall began with the city council and residents planting trees—many trees at their 450 Thunderhead Lane, Annetta, Texas address.
There were no flower beds. So, in 2015, Parker County Master Gardeners designated these beds as a project, with Gay Larson and Ellen Woodward as coordinators.
The Master Gardeners designed and supplied the plants. We planted 5 beautiful beds with perennials, shrubs, and annuals. And two large berms with evergreens.
Each spring, there is a bountiful blooming expression of many bluebonnets. A strategically placed boulder offers a seat to anyone wishing to soak in this picturesque view.

This project is a registered Monarch Waystation. The garden has many native milkweed plants—the Monarch’s favorite! The milkweed varieties we grow reseed each year. That really helps with the migration of the Monarch butterflies, as well as saving a little seed-planting effort.
In 2022, the Town of Annetta built a sign by the main road. It was a lonely sign and it yearned for some company. The Master Gardeners landscaped this highly visible flower bed with colorful drought-tolerant plants such as lantana, red yucca, succulents, and Texas sage.
We garden on the first Wednesday of each month to beautify the town and to show an example of what can be done with Parker County horticulture knowledge.