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How to Prune Salvias?

You may not want to bother removing the flower-bearing stems on many types of salvia that are grown for hummingbirds. These stems simply dry up by themselves and since our annual salvias generally do not produce seeds in great number; this need not be a concern for...

Where To Cut Nemerosa?

Nemerosa blue salvia 'May Night' meadow sage and they need deadheading/pruning.  After the flowers of nemerosa fade and seeds begin to mature, you should prune stems to two active leaf nodes to encourage branching and repeat blooming. Plants may be pruned to...

How Does One Trim Weeping Yaupon Holly?

Be very careful when pruning Weeping Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria ‘Pendula’ or you will loose the prized look of the plant. It needs little pruning to develop a strong structure. Weeping Yaupon Holly makes a distinct irregular, weeping form with its upright crooked...

Can Loropetalum Be Pruned, If So, When?

Can I prune loropetalums and if so, when? The growth rate of loropetalums (a member of the Witch Hazel family) varies considerably by variety. Some stay low, and more horizontal in shape, while others are taller and more open. Loropetalum, with variety names like Plum...