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  3. Shrubs

Information About Grayleaf Cotoneaster, Please

Grayleaf cotoneaster – Cotoneaster glaucophylla is a sprawling three or four foot, semi-evergreen shrub (depending on the winter temperatures) with dusty gray-green foliage and orange fruit that does well in Parker County. It is heat-tolerant and can tolerate sun to...

How are Gulf Stream Nandinas Propagated?

(Gulf Stream nandinas were) originally propagated only by division. Tissue culture techniques, the propagation procedure where plants are grown aseptically in test tubes, was perfected, and almost overnight the dwarfs went from interesting novelties to landscape...

Do Loropetalum Do Well in Parker County?

Loropetalum (Chinese fringe flower) Loropetalum chinense ‘Rubrum’ is a quality plant for Parker County. It can take sun or partial shade and can grow six to eight feet in height and three to four feet in width. You will see why it is called the Chinese fringe flower...

How Does One Propagate Weeping Yaupon Hollies

A popular method of plant propagation is by rooting your own cuttings the following is from an article by Skip Richter, Extension agent for Texas Cooperative Extension and host of “Gardening with Skip”, a weekly news segment provided free of charge by Texas...

How to Prune Salvias?

You may not want to bother removing the flower-bearing stems on many types of salvia that are grown for hummingbirds. These stems simply dry up by themselves and since our annual salvias generally do not produce seeds in great number; this need not be a concern for...