We have not had luck with shrubs on the west side of our home that receives full sun. We want to plant shrubs along the exterior wall for shade. The idea is to let the shrubs be a barrier between the deterioration wall and full sun. Any suggestions? The following are...
Do Nellie R Stevens Hollies Require Much Water?
Shrubs and trees require help their first year and Nellie R Stevens hollies are no different. They do not require any heroics but do not let them dry out because just one time of extreme dryness can lead to terminal wilt for the plant. Once established, the Nellie R...
Fertilizing Red Tip Photinia or Nellie R Stevens Holly?
When should I fertilize my Red Tip Photinia and my Nellie R Stevens holly and what do I use? Red Tip Photinia are not a recommend shrub for our area because of the endosporium fungal leaf spot due to the higher humidity in our county, and the Nellie R Stevens holly is...
What Are The Best Shrubs for Parker County?
What are the best shrubs for Parker County? You will hear the terms native or adapted when recommended plants are being discussed and these plants can be among the best for your Parker County garden. You need to know the size of the mature shrub, the light and...