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How to Become a Master Gardener

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Become a Parker County Master Gardener

Who are Parker county Master Gardeners?


Master Gardeners are members of the local community who take an active interest in their lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers and gardens. They are enthusiastic, willing to learn and to help others, and able to communicate with diverse groups of people.

What really sets Master Gardeners apart from other home gardeners is their special training in horticulture. In exchange for their training, persons who become Master Gardeners contribute time as volunteers, working through their Texas AgriLife Extension Service office to provide horticultural-related information to their communities.

Is the Master Gardener Program for Me?

To help you decide if you should apply to be a Master Gardener, ask yourself these questions:

Do I want to learn more about the culture and maintenance of many types of plants?

Am I eager to participate in a practical and intense training program?

Do I look forward to sharing my knowledge with people in my community?

Do I have enough time to attend training and to complete the volunteer service?

If you answered yes to these questions, the Master Gardener program could be for you. Contact your local Texas AgriLife Extension Service office (817-598-6168) to see when the next training classes will begin.


If accepted into the Master Gardener program in your county, you will attend a Master Gardener training course. Classes are taught by Texas AgriLife Extension Service specialists, agents, and local experts. In Parker county the training is offer every two years with initial sign up in the late Summer and training in the fall.

The program offers a minimum of 50 hours of instruction that covers topics including lawn care, ornamental trees and shrubs, insect, disease, and weed management; soils and plant nutrition, vegetable gardening; fruit production; garden flowers; and water conservation

Volunteer Commitment

In exchange for training, participants are asked to volunteer time to their Texas AgriLife Extension Service program. At least 50 hours of volunteer service within one year following the training is required to earn the title of “Texas Master Gardener.”

The type of service done by Master Gardeners varies according to community needs, and the abilities and interests of the Master Gardeners. In Parker county our association maintains seven demonstration gardens, answer telephone requests for information related to gardening, speak to local groups, conduct workshops, and support a local Junior Master Garden program.

Master Gardeners are representatives of Texas AgriLife Extension Service, The Texas A&M University System. In all volunteer work related to the program, Master Gardeners follow the research-based recommendations of Texas AgriLife Extension Service. The title “Texas Master Gardener” can be used by volunteers only when engaged in Extension-sponsored activities.


Participants become certified Master Gardeners after they have completed the training course and fulfilled their volunteer commitment.

For More Information

Additional information is available from your local Texas AgriLife Extension Service office or the Master Gardener office.