Grow with the Master

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Pass Along Roses

Written by Carol Welch – Parker County Master Gardener As a gardener, my greatest satisfaction is relaxing among the blooms in my garden. But my joy is in sharing those blooms with others. Many garden plants are perfectly designed to reproduce…

Rainwater Harvesting

Written by Master Gardener Homer Babbitt If there was something you could do in your own backyard to help a butterfly, would you do it? If it improved the look of your flowerbeds, attracted beneficial insects, and was good for the environment,…

Sense-Sational Herbs

Written by Jerry Parr and Carol Welch Rosemary There are many reasons why a gardener finds pleasure in a healthy and beautiful plant. It may be a delight to the eyes, a wonderful fragrance to be enjoyed, a fresh flavor to be savored, a tranquil…

Snowy Succulent Success

Written by Carol Welch If you have gardened in Parker County for more than…oh…about 10 minutes, then you have encountered our diverse and often frustrating soil conditions. Even on the smallest properties, it is not uncommon to find clay…