Diseases, Pests & Weeds

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How Do I Get Rid of Bagworms?

The common bagworm, Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (Haworth), is an interesting caterpillar. The most commonly observed form of this pest is the spindle-shaped silk bag camouflaged with bits of foliage, bark and other debris. Completed bags range from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2...

Grass Burs Control

Grass burs are an annual grassy weed. It is important to realize they are an annual. The grass bur needs a seed to create new plant and not a rhizome. The life cycle of these plants are: 1. Burs or seeds germinate in spring, a grass like weed will develops in the...

Crape Myrtles ~ Disease and Care

How Best To Grow a Crape Myrtle and What Disease Effects Them? Summer in Texas would not be complete without the abundance of crape myrtle flowers now beginning to be conspicuous over most of the state. Proper fertilization and pruning usually result in a long display...

Can Henbit and Chickweed Be Composted

Can noxious weeds such as henbit and chickweed be composted? Yes, but care must be taken so the compost produced does not replant the weeds. If I put weeds such as henbit and chickweed in a compost bin, it really needs to be covered with a layer of carbon material...

Aphids & Whiteflies on Squash Plants 

We have an infestation of aphids and whiteflies on our squash plants. The whiteflies came after we had sprayed different chemicals hoping to get rid of the aphids, spider mites and then we’ve been to try to kill the squash bore worms too. We’ve been using NEEM oil and...