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Sunflower, Maximilian

Sunflower, Maximilian

Sunflower, Maximilian Sunflower, Maximilian Helianthus maximiliani Grows in full sun, deciduous. Mature size varies to 10’x5′. Blooms July to October in shades of yellow. First-year plants are neat and tidy. Pull up second-year plants and allow seedlings...
St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort St. John’s Wort Hypericum perforatum Grows in full sun to partial shade, semi-evergreen. Mature size varies to 3’x2′. Blooms May to August in shades of yellow. Hard prune after harsh winters to rejuvenate growth. Grasshopper...


Zinnia Zinnia Zinnia augustifolia Warm season annual. Grows in full sun. Mature size varies up to 3’x1.5′. Blooms in summer in shades of green, orange, pink, white, and yellow. Deer resistant. Low water...


Wallflower Wallflower cheiranthus Cool season annual. Grows in full sun. Mature size is 20″x15″. Blooms February to May in shades of orange purple, red, and yellow. Drought tolerant...
Treasure Flower

Treasure Flower

Treasure Flower Treasure Flower Gazania repens Cool season annual. Grows in full sun. Mature size is 10″x8″. Blooms fall to early spring in shades of orange, pink, red, white, and yellow combinations. Flowers have flashy stripes and color combinations. Low...


Sunflower Sunflower Helianthus annuus Warm season annual. Grows in full sun. Mature size varies up to 10’x2′. Blooms August to October in shades of bronze, burgundy, mahogany, red, white, and yellow. Some varieties freely re-seed. Low water...