Vitrex – Chase Tree

Vitrex – Chase Tree Vitex agnus-castus
Grows in full sun, deciduous. Mature size 8’x15’. Tall spikes of purple blooms May to September followed by fragrant seeds. Deer resistant. Low water requirement.
Vitex, Texas Lilac, or Chaste Tree (Texas Superstar)
Deciduous large shrub or small tree with distinctive palmately compound leaves. Profuse spikes of lavender flowers, bloomingheavily in the early summer, and thensporadically throughout the summer and fall.Vitex is heat, drought and pest tolerant.’Texas Lilac’ is our group designation forseveral recommended cultivars including’Montrose Purple,”LeCompte,’ and ‘ShoalCreek,’ all of which are considered TexasSuperstarsTM.
Exposure: Full sun; partial sun
Size: Height 10-15 feet tall, up to 15 feet wide
Bloom Time: May till frost.
Care: Vitex is coarse growing and will become a small tree quickly. Flowering is more spectacular if the plant is pruned
heavily after bloom.