Mexican Plum
Mexican plum is a beautiful single-trunk, spring-flowering small tree with bark that eventually gets dark and striated, peeling off in patches. It gets as tall as 25 feet and is fast-growing, making it a good tree for new landscapes.
Grows in full sun to dappled shade with a mature size 35’x20′. Mexican Plum also makes a super understory tree and does well in the Parker County soils. Early in the spring it is covered white fragrant flowers that are up to an inch wide. The dark red or purple fruit ripens late in the fall. The Mexican Plum is widely used for root stock because it does not sucker at the base of the trunk and is so drought tolerant. Most native plums form thickets from suckers, this variety does not. This tree will attract a goodly share of the local bees and butterflies. Put this tree in a grouping with Red Buds and it will create a stunning display in the spring. The fruit, will be appreciated by the wildlife.